Saturday, 12 December 2009

More Slightly Funny Stories

A family was celebrating their daughter's fifth birthday at a local restaurant when the little girl's father noticed her looking sadly at a moose head on the wall. 
Someone had placed a party hat on its head. Her father knelt beside her and explained why some people hunt animals. 
"I know all that," the child sobbed. "But why did they have to shoot him at his birthday party?" 

When a nun collapsed in the sales representative's office at our time-share resort, the rep ran to the front-desk manager. 
Two nuns walked into the sales office, and one of them fainted!" she yelled breathlessly. 
Unfazed, the manager just looked at her. 
"Well," said the rep, "aren't you going to do anything?" 
He replied, "I'm waiting for the punch line.

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