Saturday, 5 December 2009

Hindu Shrines 0.0

Dear Emily 
I hope I can come over to your house tommorow 
It would be pretty cool
Otherwise we'll get a B on our report for RS
So I'll attempt to persuade my mum.
Or you can phone my home number :P
Yeah you do that 
Luv Ya <3

1 comment:

  1. yeah, me too.
    i'm gonna take some tablets
    (don't worry i'm not a druggie)
    so hopefully i'll not INFECT you
    with my ill ways. -.-
    i'm kinda tired now,
    so if you were to come round it
    would be best to at like 1 or something.
    :LLLL because i'ma lazy foo' !
    love you tooooo. :)
    oh and also we'd have to sort it out
    with rebecca and stuff.
    reeoowwrrr. ;)
