Sunday, 6 December 2009


I've currantly got 73,827 bells,
and I need 120,000 to pay off the mortgage.
Which means I need 46,173 bells.
Merh, dear Animal Crossing,
why have the first payment as
a meer 20,000 bells and then the
second as a jassive 120,000?
One word. MEAN.

I've got such a busy day today,
and being ill doesn't exactly help. o.~
I've got to:
  • Go shopping with family to get stuff for the hamster & look at curtain materials
  • Finish 3 homeworks that are due tomorrow
  • Work on the Hindu Shrine for Rs with Fliss + Bex - today would be the best day to do it because it's due on Friday and I'm most likely to be unable to get them round on the weekdays
  • Take the tablets - which I'm scared of (seriously, I'm not kidding, I HATE tablets + Medicene)
  • Wash hair + get dressed etc
Actually to be honest it doesn't look
like that much now that I've written
it down but you know.

Okay so.
Fliss is coming round at 2,
but I still haven't sorted it out with Rebecca.
And she's not answered my text.

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