Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas Everybody

Christmas Time is Nearly Upon Us…
I have asked for:
  • A DSI, I want a red or light blue one but I’ll probably get a white one, still beggars can’t be choosers! :P
  • The Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack PC
  • The Movies Game PC
  • Tokidoki Skateboard Deck <--- Pretty Pictures!
  • Scribblenauts on DS/DSI
I think that's it, well anyways…
PS: I’m watching Narnia!
Felicity Ribbit

Monday, 21 December 2009

Dsi again bladd!x n_n >;]

Note: I'm scared of writing much right now because it keeps on disconnecting from the internet randomly, and it doesn't save anything I've written, and then it takes forever to do again. ;@


Oh yeah, text speak ftw. (H)
[ Actually my hand just aches
really bad. :L ]
I was GOING TO make it all
big and rainbowey like POW!
but it doesn't let me change
the size & font etc on this:o,
so yer, soz about that ledddz!x
Anywaay, Jennie and Fliss,
I hope you had a good day:],
and I shall bring round
your presents tomorrow. :D
I hope it snows again too,
it was sickk todayyy(Y)!
Later! xoxoxoxo

Ok, my arm REALLY hurts now D:

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Blogger from my Dsi ;o

yep I'm actually writing from
my Nintendo Dsi. :D
Gosh, technology these days.
It's so fun, even though it
takes a while to load and that. :P
I'm kind of meant to be
sleeping right now, ahaha. ;)
Happy birthday Fliss+Jennie
for tomorrow, I bet you're
both lying in bed now, well
excited. ;DD
I couldn't get to sleep for
on the night before my bday:L!
Gah, isn't it annoying when
you write what seems like
sooo muchhh, and then you
read it and it takes way less
than you thought it would;o??
I bet most people reading this
won't have a clue what I'm
talking about, but oh well:]
Anywho, I should be getting off.
Soz for not really saying much xd
Oh wait, by the way, my laptop
charger broke and the laptop
itself is actually out of power-
my Dad has been trying to fix it,
so for a while this actually might
be the only way to get on here:o


Good day (:
Today, I ordered a K.K Slider plushie from

That is all I wanted to say. ;D
Wait! :O
Happy Early Birthday Fliss + Jen.
Okay, now I'm done. n_n

Saturday, 19 December 2009

2 Day' :O

Two Whole Days until My Birthday,



Friday, 18 December 2009

3 Days <3

Three Days Till My Birthday <3
Just Came on to say that :O

Thursday, 17 December 2009


Yes, that's right, it was SNOWING before :O!
For like, the first time in ages!
But, it's stopped now :'(, so I hope it starts again. xD
I was actually, really, really, excited.
My Mum was like "It's snowing :O"
And then I got my hoodie and everythingg and
ran for the front garden:').
My street is actually WHITE. <33.
I so hope it starts again, and preferably doesn't stop for agesss. :D
I'm so excited cos we break up from school tomorrow at 12.20,
and it's non-uniformm.
Then again, I have NO IDEA! what to wear.
Right well, I cba writing anything else,
BYE. :)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Monday, 14 December 2009


You don't have to read this. If you do, just promise me you won't take the mick because I'm doing this. As I said in the title, this is just a vent.

I wish you could understand that you actually are, genuinely annoying. And you really, really do need to do what I tell you. I'm not going to say what those things are, in case people guess who I'm talking about here. I really, really do like you and all, but I just wish you would listen to me, freaking stop being so in my face and just be a bit more careful - you know what I mean?

You're an amazing person, and that is 100% true, but PLEASE stop doing this to me. It's SO ANNOYING, because you don't actually realise you're doing it, but it hurts me anyway, quite deeply too. I tell you to stop, but you just ignore me and carry on with it. I'm not the kind of person who can stand up for myself much, but I try so hard around you and it doesn't even work.

You're a poser, and your thick. I don't know if you're pretending or something, but seriously. That's all I'm even going to say.

You think you're so amazing, just because you know all these older people and everything. But after what you did to me, I feel almost sympathetic for all your new "best friends", in case it happens to them. I trusted you, with all my heart, and you were everything to me, but now I don't even know what to think. Sometimes, I feel comfortable with you, like old times, but then suddenly you change again and I don't know if you'll come back.

I mean, feel free to call me mean for just saying any of these things, but this is my blog entry, and I don't care what you think, and I can write what I want, yeah? It's either that or we pretty much just live in lies. The truth is so, so, so much better, even if it hurts, because lies come back and bite you eventually anyway, and the ending never turns out good.

I love, well, the majority of the people who I mentioned on here, so please don't take me as a really nasty horrible person, okay? Because I could really do without that right now. Everyone needs to let it out every once in a while, and seeing as I've been keeping it in for donkeys years, I just thought I would write this. I shouldn't really say thanks for reading, seeing as it's not really anything I'd especially want anyone to have a good look through, but in a way, yes, thanks for reading, because it makes me think that you are supporting me, even if you aren't, and I'd like that.


Sunday, 13 December 2009

My Pon and Zi Poster

I spent one hour making this :O

Saturday, 12 December 2009

random picture of the day<33

Name Popularity in the US

EMILY is the #99 most common female first name

0.208% of females in the US are named EMILY.

Around 254800 US females are named EMILY!

COOTE is the #52381 most common last name

0.0005% of last names in the US are COOTE.

Around 1250 people have COOTE as a last name!

GEORGE is the #16 most common male first name

0.927% of males in the US are named GEORGE.

Around 1135575 US males are named GEORGE!

CARY is the #2670 most common last name

0.005% of last names in the US are CARY.

Around 12500 people have CARY as a last name!

FELICITY is a very rare female first name

Very few female first names in the US are FELICITY

Be proud of your unique first name!

ROBERTS is the #43 most common last name

0.153% of last names in the US are ROBERTS.

Around 382500 people have ROBERTS as a last name!

JENNIFER is the #6 most common female first name

0.932% of females in the US are named JENNIFER.

Around 1141700 US females are named JENNIFER!

MARLAND is the #20109 most common last name

0.0005% of last names in the US are MARLAND.

Around 1250 people have MARLAND as a last name!

MELANIE is the #188 most common female first name

0.116% of females in the US are named MELANIE.

Around 142100 US females are named MELANIE!

GAVIN is the #685 most common male first name

0.01% of males in the US are named GAVIN.

Around 12250 US males are named GAVIN!

DANIEL is the #12 most common male first name

0.974% of males in the US are named DANIEL.

Around 1193150 US males are named DANIEL!

IAN is the #263 most common male first name

0.056% of males in the US are named IAN.

Around 68600 US males are named IAN!

MAXINE is the #254 most common female first name

0.079% of females in the US are named MAXINE.

Around 96775 US females are named MAXINE!

MATTHEW is the #25 most common male first name

0.657% of males in the US are named MATTHEW.

Around 804825 US males are named MATTHEW!

BETH is the #199 most common female first name

0.11% of females in the US are named BETH.

Around 134750 US females are named BETH!

SARAH is the #23 most common female first name

0.508% of females in the US are named SARAH.

Around 622300 US females are named SARAH!

JACOB is the #122 most common male first name

0.165% of males in the US are named JACOB.

Around 202125 US males are named JACOB!

EMMA is the #134 most common female first name

0.165% of females in the US are named EMMA.

Around 202125 US females are named EMMA!

OLIVIA is the #352 most common female first name

0.049% of females in the US are named OLIVIA.

Around 60025 US females are named OLIVIA!

SMITH is the #1 most common last name

1.006% of last names in the US are SMITH.

Around 2515000 people have SMITH as a last name!

BELLA is the #1202 most common female first name

0.006% of females in the US are named BELLA.

Around 7350 US females are named BELLA!

EDWARD is the #2834 most common female first name

0.002% of females in the US are named EDWARD.

Around 2450 US females are named EDWARD!

*Who has their first name as Edward if they're a girl?*

EDWARD is the #19 most common male first name

0.779% of males in the US are named EDWARD.

Around 954275 US males are named EDWARD!

CHARLIE is the #197 most common male first name

0.09% of males in the US are named CHARLIE.

Around 110250 US males are named CHARLIE!

LORETTA is the #189 most common female first name

0.115% of females in the US are named LORETTA.

Around 140875 US females are named LORETTA!

TAYLOR is the #805 most common female first name

0.012% of females in the US are named TAYLOR.

Around 14700 US females are named TAYLOR!

More Slightly Funny Stories

A family was celebrating their daughter's fifth birthday at a local restaurant when the little girl's father noticed her looking sadly at a moose head on the wall. 
Someone had placed a party hat on its head. Her father knelt beside her and explained why some people hunt animals. 
"I know all that," the child sobbed. "But why did they have to shoot him at his birthday party?" 

When a nun collapsed in the sales representative's office at our time-share resort, the rep ran to the front-desk manager. 
Two nuns walked into the sales office, and one of them fainted!" she yelled breathlessly. 
Unfazed, the manager just looked at her. 
"Well," said the rep, "aren't you going to do anything?" 
He replied, "I'm waiting for the punch line.

Funny Story that isn't actually that funny.

We rushed our four-year-old son, Ben, to the emergency room with a terrible cough, high fever, and vomiting. The doctor did an exam, then asked Ben what bothered him the most. After thinking it over, Ben said hoarsely, "I would have to say my little sister

Friday, 11 December 2009

Christmas time, mistletoe & wine...

I'm ill off school again.
It's gone all snowy on Animal Crossing finally. :)
I was actually really excited, lmao.
I started trying to make a snowman,
but then when I was rolling a part of it
over a bridge, it fell into the river. :O
So in the end I just made a GIANT
snowball. ;D
It's parked outside my house nicely at the moment(Y).
Gah, I really need a drink D:
I can't geeettt upppppppppp thougghhhh.
:| :| :| :| :| :|
P.s - short bloggingness' + italics ftww(;

Thursday, 10 December 2009



It tastes rather like flem.

Hi there. ;D
Yeah, sorry for not writing on my birthday,
I was going to but I guess I forgot.
For my birthday I got:
  • A Nintendo Ds I ; white. <3>
  • (by the way they're amazing, you should get one^^)
  • Two Twilight shirts
  • A shirt with a doggiee on it ;}
  • The New Moon Illustrated Movie Companion.
  • Up : The Book of the Film.
  • A book about Taylor Lautner which I have forgotten what it's called.
  • Two Hello Kitty tins.
  • A cow picture frame.
  • An iTunes card.
  • Money.
  • Panda toy that heats up in the microwave. :')
& I probably got something else that I've forgotten.
Yes, you may call me spoilt, I guess.
Some people have said that,
but maybe they were jealous. ;)
(That's a joke:O).
Anyway, spoilt means that you're parents
buy you loads of stuff and you're really
selfish and mean, but I'm not selfish and mean,
am I Fliss? ....FLISS!?! :O
Also, thanks so much to everyone who got me presents, cards,
or at least said "Happy Birthday" yesterday.
It means a lot, I love you all. :))))

Today in History, we were watching a video.
It was not just ANY video.
That's right. ;o
It was about these bad jobs in the
medival times or something.
In one of them, it was this doctor person,
and they saw how ill you were by your pee.
(Yes I know it's revolting just keep reading).
Then, the guy said this :DDD :
"It tastes rather like flem"
It was like, hilarious:') .
(We know they meant the other flem,
which is spelt something like phleghm XD,
but we DON'T CARE:O Okay?!
You're just ... JEALOUS cos we got mentioned;D).

Okay, I have nothing else to talk about.
Soooo, byeeee:]
P.s - Fliss, come round after school.
P.p.s - I forgot to tell you, after period 2 I came
home from school 'cos I feel ill. ;p
P.p.p.s - I'm actually going now!<3

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Happy Birthday Emily n_n

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Dear Emily
Happy Birthday to you!


Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Dear Hollie
Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday you lot

PS I hope we can do the shrine thing tommorow!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009


Good things about today:
  • It's my birthday tomorrow!
  • We finished school early.
  • I learnt to play Happy Birthday on the guitar.
  • (ha what a coincidence :P)
  • I paid off my mortgage on Animal Crossing. :)

Bad things about today:
  • I've got the most annoying cold.
  • I feel sick.
  • I have no money left on Animal Crossing because of the mortgage.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

say cheeeeese...


I've currantly got 73,827 bells,
and I need 120,000 to pay off the mortgage.
Which means I need 46,173 bells.
Merh, dear Animal Crossing,
why have the first payment as
a meer 20,000 bells and then the
second as a jassive 120,000?
One word. MEAN.

I've got such a busy day today,
and being ill doesn't exactly help. o.~
I've got to:
  • Go shopping with family to get stuff for the hamster & look at curtain materials
  • Finish 3 homeworks that are due tomorrow
  • Work on the Hindu Shrine for Rs with Fliss + Bex - today would be the best day to do it because it's due on Friday and I'm most likely to be unable to get them round on the weekdays
  • Take the tablets - which I'm scared of (seriously, I'm not kidding, I HATE tablets + Medicene)
  • Wash hair + get dressed etc
Actually to be honest it doesn't look
like that much now that I've written
it down but you know.

Okay so.
Fliss is coming round at 2,
but I still haven't sorted it out with Rebecca.
And she's not answered my text.


My nose.
Is really sore.
But I can't do anything.
About it.
Because when I do.
It hurts even more.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Hindu Shrines 0.0

Dear Emily 
I hope I can come over to your house tommorow 
It would be pretty cool
Otherwise we'll get a B on our report for RS
So I'll attempt to persuade my mum.
Or you can phone my home number :P
Yeah you do that 
Luv Ya <3


If Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift get married,
they'll both be called Taylor Lautner.

Friday, 4 December 2009


Also, on Animal Crossing tomorrow at 8
KK Slider's gonna sing for me,
so I can't wait to get the new song finally.
The one I've got already is a bit boring! ;-)
I went to school today, even though I was still feeling
ill. Also, in pe, which I had first, we had to run for agesss
without stopping, which was so tiring.
To make matters worse, after that I had English,
and in the classroom it was absoulely BOILING.
I'm not even exagurating, ask Fliss. :P
(Yeah I know I spelt that wrong D:)
By lunchtime, (our school-day goes like this:
Form, Lesson, Lesson, Break, Lesson, Lesson, Lunch, Lesson,
but on Tuesdays we finish an hour earlier so
there's no lesson after lunch, and we have
form then)

I had a horrible headache, and freaking
Rebecca kept shouting random jibber-jabber
in my face, as usual! :L (Joking, I love you really.
But you were being annoying:L).

We got a decent long table so everyone
sat together and just talked,
and Biff bought me a cookie which was pretty
awesome. ;)))))).
On Sunday, hopefully I can get Fliss and Rebecca
round so we can make the Hindu Shrine for Rs.
It's gonna be so fun. :)
But it's also going to be Fliss & Jens' Mums bday,
so I might not be able to steal Fliss then... *-)
I'm a Celebrity finishes today. (N)
Is it just me, or has it gone really quickly? O_O
I'm gonna miss it. XD I hope Gino wins, he's
actually amazing :L I did want Sabrina,
but she left, so yeah, Gino ftw! :)
I always pick a favourite from the
celebrities when they all meet on the first programme,
for some reason, and it was Sabrina this year.
Anyway, I'm probably boring to you DEATH here,
so I'll just leave. xd Seeya laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr(L).
- emilysaur!

Thursday, 3 December 2009

im illll. :(

Morningg. :-)
I'm ill off school. ;o
What I've done today so far:
Wake up.
Feel like rubbishh.
Not be able to talk.
Drink some apple juice.
Try to go to sleep.
Fail to go to sleep.
Go downstairs.
Flop on sofa with pillow+blanket.
Lie down for ages.
Try to sleep.
Fail to sleep.
Eat some toast.
Cough some more.
Watch Spongebob Squarepants.
Lie down for ages.
Go upstairs.
Get Ds.
Go downstairs.
Play Animal Crossing.
Get laptop.
Come on here.
The end.
Pros of being ill off school:
Well, no school.
Also I've missed pe.
I am NOT faking it though.
Cons of being ill off school:
The whole "ill" part.
:| :| :| :| :|
6 days. <33333
I'm pointlessly excited.
It's 22 days 'till Christmas:DD.
I have nothing else to put now.
*Awkwardd silence*
...Bye XD
- emilysaur ;o

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Random Trivia

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury


Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

Coca-Cola was originally green.


It is impossible to lick your elbow. <---Paaah No Its Not!!

The state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska

The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% ( now get this...) The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $6,400

The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

The youngest pope was 11 years old.

The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.

Those San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments
Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades - King David, Hearts - Charlemagne, Clubs - Alexander theGreat,Diamonds - Julius Caesar


111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321


If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in The air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the Horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later.

"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

Q. What occurs more often in December than any other month?
A. Conception.

Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
A. Their birthplace

Q. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested?
A. Obsession

Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"?
A. One thousand

Q. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?
A. All invented by women.

Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?
A. Honey


Q. There are more collect calls on this day than any other day of the year?
A. Father's Day

Q. What trivia fact about Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny) is the most ironic?
A. He was allergic to carrots.

Q. What is an activity performed by 40% of all people at a party?
A. Snoop in your medicine cabinet.

In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase "goodnight, sleep tight".

It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in- law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month we know today as the honeymoon.

In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts. So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them mind their own pints and quarts and settle down. It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's"

Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the Rim or handle of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. "Wet your whistle" is the phrase Inspired by this practice.

In Scotland, a new game was invented. It was entitled Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden.... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.

AND FINALLY At least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow!
